Contributions by current and former lab members are indicated in bold.
* denotes equal contribution
53. Bersi, M. R., Dickerson, D., & Roccabianca, S. (2024). Advancing Inclusivity in Biomechanical Engineering Research. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 1-2. (Paper)
52. Kailash, K. A., Hawes, J. Z., Cocciolone, A. J., Bersi, M. R., Mecham, R. P., & Wagenseil, J. E. (2024). Constitutive Modeling of Mouse Arteries Suggests Changes in Directional Coupling and Extracellular Matrix Remodeling That Depend on Artery Type, Age, Sex, and Elastin Amounts. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 146(5), 051001. (PubMed)
51. Karbasion, N., Xu, Y., Snider, J. C., & Bersi, M. R. (2024). Primary Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells Exhibit Region- and Sex-Dependent Biological Responses In Vitro. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 1–41. Advance online publication. (PubMed)
50. White, S. E., Karbasion, N., Snider, J. C., Florian-Rodriguez, M., Bersi, M. R., & Miller, K. S. (2024). Remodeling of murine vaginal smooth muscle function with reproductive age and elastic fiber disruption. Acta biomaterialia, 175, 186–198. (PubMed)
49. Kakaletsis, S., Malinowski, M., Snider, J. C., Mathur, M., Sugerman, G. P., Luci, J. J., Kostelnik, C. J., Jazwiec, T., Bersi, M. R., Timek, T. A., & Rausch, M. K. (2023). Untangling the mechanisms of pulmonary arterial hypertension-induced right ventricular stiffening in a large animal model. Acta biomaterialia, 171, 155–165. (PubMed)
48. Iannucci, L. E., Riak, M. B., Meitz, E., Bersi, M. R., Gruev, V., & Lake, S. P. (2023). Effect of matrix properties on transmission and reflectance mode division-of-focal-plane Stokes polarimetry. Journal of biomedical optics, 28(10), 102902. (PubMed)
47. Crandall, C. L., Wu, Y., Kailash, K. A., Bersi, M. R., Halabi, C. M., & Wagenseil, J. E. (2023). Changes in transmural mass transport correlate with ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm diameter in a fibulin-4 E57K knockin mouse model. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 325(1), H113–H124. (PubMed)
46. Buchanan, L. M., Domingo, M. J. E., White, S. E., Vanoven, T. N., Karbasion, N., Bersi, M. R., Pence, I. J., Florian-Rodriguez, M., & Miller, K. S. (2023). Advances in vaginal bioengineering: Applications, techniques, and needs. Current research in physiology, 6, 100111. (PubMed)
45. Joll, J. E., 2nd, Riley, L. A., Bersi, M. R., Nyman, J. S., & Merryman, W. D. (2022). Sclerostin ablation prevents aortic valve stenosis in mice. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 323(5), H1037–H1047. (PubMed)
44. Weiss, D., Long, A. S., Tellides, G., Avril, S., Humphrey, J. D., & Bersi, M. R. (2022). Evolving Mural Defects, Dilatation, and Biomechanical Dysfunction in Angiotensin II-Induced Thoracic Aortopathies. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 42(8), 973–986. (PubMed)
43. Meador, W. D., Mathur, M., Kakaletsis, S., Lin, C. Y., Bersi, M. R., & Rausch, M. K. (2022). Biomechanical phenotyping of minuscule soft tissues: An example in the rodent tricuspid valve. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 55, 101799. (Paper)
42. Joll, J. E., 2nd, Bersi, M. R., Nyman, J. S., & Merryman, W. D. (2022). Evaluation of early bilateral ovariectomy in mice as a model of left heart disease. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 322(6), H1080–H1085. (PubMed)
41. Noll, N. A., Riley, L. A., Moore, C. S., Zhong, L., Bersi, M. R., West, J. D., Zent, R., & Merryman, W. D. (2022). Loss of talin in cardiac fibroblasts results in augmented ventricular cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to pressure overload. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 322(5), H857–H866. (PubMed)
40. Rego, B. V., Weiss, D., Bersi, M. R., & Humphrey, J. D. (2021). Uncertainty quantification in subject-specific estimation of local vessel mechanical properties. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering, 37(12), e3535. (PubMed)
39. Johnson, C. L., Riley, L., Bersi, M.R., Linton, M. F., & Merryman, W. D. (2021). Impaired macrophage trafficking and increased helper T-cell recruitment with loss of cadherin-11 in atherosclerotic immune response. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 321(4), H756–H769. (PubMed)
38. Spronck, B., Latorre, M., Wang, M., Mehta, S., Caulk, A. W., Ren, P., Ramachandra, A. B., Murtada, S. I., Rojas, A., He, C. S., Jiang, B., Bersi, M. R., Tellides, G., & Humphrey, J. D. (2021). Excessive adventitial stress drives inflammation-mediated fibrosis in hypertensive aortic remodeling in mice. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 18(180), 20210336. (bioRxiv)
37. Genovese, K., Badel, P., Cavinato, C., Pierrat, B., Bersi, M. R., Avril, S., & Humphrey, J. D. (2021). Multi-view digital image correlation systems for in vitro testing of arteries from mice to humans. Experimental mechanics, 61(9), 1455–1472. (PubMed)

36. Hope, J.M., Bersi, M.R., Clinch, A.B., Merryman, W.D., King, M.R. Death of circulating prostate cancer cells exposed to fluid shear stress correlates with increased cell membrane damage and cellular stiffness. Journal of Cell Science. 134(4): jcs251470, 2021. (PubMed)

35. Snider, J.C., Riley, L.A., Mallory, N.T., Bersi, M.R., Umbarkar, P., Gautam, R., Zhang, Q., Mahadevan-Jansen, A., Hatzopoulos, A.K., Maroteaux, L., Lal, H., Merryman, W.D. Targeting 5-HT2B signaling prevents border zone expansion and improves microstructural remodeling after myocardial infarction. Circulation. 143(13): 1317-1330, 2021. (PubMed)

34. Bender, J.M., Adams, W.R., Mahadevan-Jansen, A., Merryman, W.D., Bersi, M.R. Radiofrequency ablation alters the microstructural organization of healthy and enzymatically digested porcine mitral valves. Experimental Mechanics. 61(1): 237-251, 2021. (PubMed)

33. Joll, J.E. 2nd, Clark, C.R., Peters, C.S., Raddatz, M.A., Bersi, M.R., Merryman, W.D. Genetic ablation of serotonin receptor 2B improves aortic valve hemodynamics in a high-cholesterol diet mouse model. PLOS One. 15(11): e0238407, 2020. (PubMed)

32. Taneja, N., Bersi, M.R., Rasmussen, M.L., Gama, V., Merryman, W.D., Burnette, D.T. Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase increases myofibril viscosity in cardiomyocytes. Cytoskeleton. 77(9): 342-350, 2020. Issue Cover Art (PubMed)

31. Bersi, M.R., Acosta Santamaria, V., Marback, K., Di Achille, P., Phillips, E.H., Goergen, C.J., Humphrey, J.D., Avril, S. Multimodality imaging-based characterization of regional material properties in a murine model of aortic dissection. Scientific Reports. 10(1): 9244, 2020. (PubMed)

30. Raddatz, M.A., Huffstater, T.M., Bersi, M.R., Reinfeld, B.I., Madden, M.Z., Booton, S.E., Rathmell, W.K., Rathmell, J.C., Lindman, B.R., Madhur, M.S., Merryman, W.D. Macrophages promote aortic valve cell calcification through STAT3 splicing. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 40(6):e153-e165, 2020. (PubMed)

29. Taneja, N., Bersi, M.R., Baillargeion, S., Fenix, A.M., Cooper, J.A., Ohi, R., Gama, V., Merryman, W.D., Burnette, D.T. Precise tuning of cortical contractility regulates cell shape stability during cell division. Cell Reports. 31(1): 107477, 2020. Faculty Opinions Recommended. (PubMed)

28. Li, G., Wang, M., Caulk, A.W., Cilfone, N.A., Gujja, S., Qin, L., Chen, P-Y., Chen, Z., Yousef, S., Jiao, Y., He, C., Jiang, B., Korneva, A., Bersi, M.R., Wang, G., Liu, X., Mehta, S., Geirsson, A., Gulcher, J.R., Chittenden, T.W., Simons, M., Humphrey, J.D., Tellides, G. Chronic mTOR activation induces a degradative smooth muscle cell phenotype. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 130(3): 1233-1251, 2020. (PubMed)

27. Aslanidou, L., Ferraro, M., Lovric, G., Bersi, M.R., Humphrey, J.D., Segers, P., Trachet, B., Stergiopulos, N. Co-localization of microstructural damage and excessive mechanical strain at aortic branches in angiotensin-II infused mice. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 19(1):81-97, 2020. (PubMed)

26. Meador, W.D., Mathur, M., Jazwiec, T., Malinowski, M., Bersi, M.R., Timek, T.A., Rausch, M.K. A detailed mechanical and microstructural analysis of the ovine tricuspid valve leaflets. Acta Biomaterialia. 102(1):100-113. 2020. (PubMed)

25. Meador, W.D., Sugerman, G.P., Story, H.M., Seifert, A.W., Bersi, M.R., Tepole, A.B., Rausch, M.K. The regional-dependent biaxial behavior of young and aged mouse skin: a detailed histomechanical characterization, residual strain analysis, and constitutive model. Acta Biomaterialia. 101(1): 403-413, 2020. (PubMed)

24. Schroer, A.K., Bersi, M.R., Clark, C.R., Zhang, Q., Sanders, L.H., Hatzopoulos, A.K., Force, T.L., Majka, S.M., Lal, H., Merryman, W.D. Cadherin-11 blockade reduces inflammation-driven fibrotic remodelling and improves outcomes after myocardial infarction. Journal of Clinical Investigation: Insight. 4(18): e131545, 2019. (PubMed)

23. Latorre, M., Bersi, M.R., Humphrey, J.D. Computational modeling predicts immune-mechanical mechanisms of maladaptive aortic remodeling in hypertension. International Journal of Engineering Science. 141: 35-46, 2019. (PubMed)

22. Bersi, M.R., Bellini, C., Humphrey, J.D., Avril, S. Local variations in material and structural properties characterize murine thoracic aortic aneurysm mechanics. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 18(1): 203-218, 2019. (PubMed)

21. Bowler, M.A., Bersi, M.R., Jerrell, R.J., Parekh, A., Merryman, W.D. Cadherin-11 regulates aortic valve interstitial cell phenotype. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 315(6): H1614-H1626, 2018. (PubMed)

20. Szafron, J.M.*, Khosravi, R.*, Reinhardt, J., Best, C.A., Bersi, M.R., Breuer, C.K., Humphrey, J.D. Immuno-driven and mechano-mediated neotissue formation in tissue engineered vascular grafts. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 46(11): 1938-1950, 2018. (PubMed)

19. Laroumanie, F., Korneva, A., Bersi, M.R., Alexander, M., Xiao, L., Zhong, X., Van Beusecum, J.P., Chen, Y., Saleh, M.A., McMaster, W.G., Gavulic, K.A., Dale, B.L., Zhao, S., Guo, Y., Shyr, Y., Perrien, D., Cox, N., Curci, J.A., Humphrey, J.D., Madhur, M.S. LNK deficiency promotes acute abdominal aortic dissection and rupture. Journal of Clinical Investigation: Insight. 3(20): e122857, 2018. (PubMed)

18. Yazdani, A., Li, H., Bersi, M.R., Di Achille, P., Insley, J., Humphrey, J.D., Karniadakis, G.E. Data-driven modeling of hemodynamics and its role on thrombus size and shape in aortic dissections. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 2515, 2018. (PubMed)

17. Bersi, M.R., Khosravi, R., Wujciak, A.J., Harrison, D.G., Humphrey, J.D. Differential cell-matrix mechanoadaptations and inflammation drive regional propensities to aortic fibrosis, aneurysm, or dissection in hypertension. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14(136): 1-31, 2017. (PubMed)

16. Bellini, C., Kristofik, N.J., Bersi, M.R., Kyriakides, T.R., Humphrey, J.D. A hidden structural vulnerability in the thrombospondin-2 deficient aorta increases the propensity to intramural delamination. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 71: 397-406, 2017. (PubMed)

15. Phillips, E.H.*, Di Achille, P.*, Bersi, M.R.*, Humphrey, J.D., Goergen, C.J. Multi-modality imaging enables detailed hemodynamic simulations in dissecting aneurysms in mice. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 36(6): 1297-1305, 2017. (PubMed)

14. Wilson, J.S., Bersi, M.R., Li, G., Humphrey, J.D. Correlation of wall microstructure and heterogeneous distributions of strain in evolving murine abdominal aortic aneurysms. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 8(2): 193-204,2017. (PubMed)

13. Bellini, C.*, Bersi, M.R.*, Caulk, A.W.*, Ferruzzi, J., Milewicz, D.M., Ramirez, F., Rifkin, D.B., Tellides, G., Yanagisawa, H., Humphrey, J.D. Comparison of ten murine models reveals a distinct biomechanical phenotype in thoracic aortic aneurysms. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14(130): 1-8, 2017. (PubMed)

12. Jiao, Y., Li, G., Korneva, A., Caulk, A.W., Qin, L., Bersi, M.R., Zhou, J., Li, Q., Li, W., Qyang, Y., Greif, D.M., Mecham, R.P., Humphrey, J.D., Tellides, G. Deficient circumferential growth is the primary determinant of aortic obstruction attributable to partial elastin deficiency. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 37:930-941, 2017. (PubMed)

11. Khosravi, R., Best, C.A., Allen, R.A., Stowell, C.E.T., Onwuka, E., Zhuang, J.J., Lee, Y.U., Yi, T., Bersi, M.R., Shinoka, T., Humphrey, J.D., Wang, Y., and Breuer, C.K. Long-term functional efficacy of a novel electrospun poly(glycerol sebacate)-based arterial graft in mice. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 44(8): 2402-2416, 2016. (PubMed)

10. Bersi, M.R., Bellini, C., Di Achille, P., Humphrey, J.D., Genovese, K.,Avril, S. Novel methodology for characterizing regional variations in material properties of murine aortas. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 138(7): 071005, 2016. 2016 Editor’s Choice Paper Finalist. (PubMed)

9. Ferruzzi, J., Bersi, M.R., Mecham, R.P., Ramirez, F., Yanagisawa, H., Tellides, G., Humphrey, J.D. Loss of elastic fiber integrity compromises common carotid artery function: implications for vascular aging. Artery Research. 14: 41-52, 2016. (PubMed)

8. Bersi, M.R.*, Bellini, C.*, Wu, J.*, Montaniel, K.R.C., Harrison, D.G., Humphrey, J.D. Excessive adventitial remodeling leads to early aortic maladaptation in angiotensin-induced hypertension. Hypertension. 67(5): 890-896, 2016. (PubMed)

7. Ferruzzi, J., Bersi, M.R., Uman, S., Yanagisawa, H., Humphrey, J.D. Decreased elastic energy storage, not increased material stiffness, characterizes central artery dysfunction in fibulin-5 deficiency independent of sex. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 137(3): 031007, 2015. (PubMed)

6. Ganapathy, A., Palmer, A., Burrer, A., Bersi M.R., Garza, J., Razavi, M. Implantable device to monitor cardiac activity with sternal wires. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. 37(12): 1630-1640, 2014. (PubMed)

5. Udelsman, B.V., Khosravi, R., Miller, K.S., Dean, E.W., Bersi, M.R., Rocco, K., Yi, T., Humphrey, J.D., Breuer, C.K. Characterization of evolving biomechanical properties of tissue engineered vascular grafts in the arterial circulation. Journal of Biomechanics. 47(9): 2070-2079, 2014. (PubMed)

4. Bersi, M.R.*, Ferruzzi, J.*, Eberth, J.F., Gleason Jr., R.L., Humphrey, J.D. Consistent biomechanical phenotyping of common carotid arteries from seven genetic, pharmacological, and surgical mouse models. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 42(6): 1207-1223, 2014. Faculty Opinions Recommended. (PubMed)

3. Ferruzzi, J.*, Bersi, M.R.*, Humphrey, J.D. Biomechanical phenotyping of central arteries in health and disease: advantages of and methods for murine models. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 41(7): 1311-1330, 2013. (PubMed)

2. Bersi, M.R., Collins, M.J., Wilson, E., Humphrey, J.D. Disparate changes in the mechanical properties of murine carotid arteries and aorta in response to chronic infusion of angiotensin-II. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics. 4(4): 228-240, 2012. (PubMed)

1. Collins, M.J., Bersi, M.R., Wilson, E., Humphrey, J. D. Mechanical properties of suprarenal and infrarenal abdominal aorta: implications for mouse models of aneurysms. Medical Engineering & Physics. 33(10): 1262-1269, 2011. (PubMed)